Cartoon Texture Pack Minecraft can be used for many things. A way out. to take hold of the land and shape it for your own survival, or to build complex structures just for the looks of them. Some people prefer to make castles, others enjoy towns, and a select few like making giant clowns because they want to watch the world burn. This texture pack is sort of for that last group, as the textures look a lot brighter, much simpler, and make for great pixel art. Most blocks that are used for building houses are the only ones which contain more complex structures. If you prefer making structures that look a bit wonky, this pack is for you. Want to make that giant clown? An entire city based on the Toon type cards from Yu-Gi-Oh? Go right on ahead. It also may help slower computers load minecraft a bit quicker/smoother.

Cartoon Texture Pack Minecraft 1.5 .2 and 1.6 Main Features
- Easier to find just the right block for your pixel art
- Cartoonish graphics that I actually like
- Different from the other texture packs you see
- It’s 16×16, so slower systems can run it with ease
- The simple textures may increase speed (not confirmed, but I’ve noticed a difference)
Cartoon Texture Pack Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6 Pros and Cons
- Easily run on slow systems
- Graphics are nostalgiac for some
- Textures still look nice enough to appreciate a mountain view
- It only has a 16×16 resolution, nothing higher
- It’s not fully completed
- The textures may not be for everyone
How to Install the Cartoon Texture Pack Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6
- Download the file from the link below
- Go to your texturepack folder and drop the .zip file in
- Open Minecraft, and click texture packs from the main menu (you can also access the texture packs folder here)
- Run Minecraft and enjoy.