Zyin's HUD Mod 1.5.2

This is a more mod-coordinate your direction, distance calculations, that area is not safe, and automatically displays your devices that are below 10% durability.

I release this as open source - just look in the folder SourceFiles /'s zip ..

Seeing this mod on Minecraft Forums here.


Forge installation by running the installation Forge latest proposal.
Put zip you downloaded from. tab files to. minecraft / mods / folder of your.
error hours

Since 1.6.1:
Structural damage to equipment not displaying properly
Configure hotkeys

Hot keys can be configured in the game under Options> Controls

K = Distance Measuring Conversion
L = safe conversion coatings
- + L = Reduced Air safe distance (- no configuration)
+ + L = increase air safety distance (+ not configured)
Ctrl + L = conversion see through walls (Ctrl not configured)

Download Zyins_HUD__1.6.1__v.0.4.3.zip

Download Zyins_HUD__1.5.2__v.0.4.2.zip

Download Zyins_HUD__1.5.2__v.0.4.1.zip

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