Minecraft Mod Blow Me 1.6.2

This mod does exactly what it says. You can extinguish nearby fire by blowing into your microphone. This mod will automatically put the system's microphone. It is not recommended to turn off the microphone device or disconnect them. In some cases, the mod will not recognize your microphone input too, so keep only one active microphone, but do not let the negative events affect your thoughts about this mod. The mod works as follows: when you blow into your microphone (which means to rise above 50%), the mod will scan in a cube of length 9 blocks burned around you, which means you can blow out the fire until a distance of four blocks. Moreover, it is far away, the longer you need to blow into your microphone, so if you're in a fire, it will take 0.5 seconds. If it is 1 block away, it will take you 1 second and so on. You can now ask: "How can I test my microphone?". For that matter, I have made a more graphical interface. Press the minus key (-) "Microphone check" and a themed interface will pop up.

This means that input - input current average of a sample. (Orange bars - must have at least 50% when blowing)
Early on average - The average input in a form. (Yellow bar - not necessary)
SPS - samples per second. (How many times in your head are scanned per second)
S - the current sample. (The current sample was processed)
If the input value that is not changed or remained at 0, please check your microphone connected to your computer and adjust your microphone sensitivity (by changing the input volume in your mixer). You do not need to look at the interface for that is what the current level of your input. You can also draw this to the HUD (in the game). Just click on the "Draw ingame" text to toggle between the values ​​"off", "simple" (above) or "details" (below). Unfortunaly I can not manage it to quench his players when burned.
Requirements: This mod requires Forge.
How to install
If you have Forge installed, simply drag it into your "mods" folder inside your %appdata%/.minecraft folder. A very detailed 101 on finding the .minecraft folder on Mac can be found
Download Mod  Blow Me 1.6.2
 Source: Minecraft Download - Share The Passion

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