Author CrazyPants_MC Mod EnderIO share as follows . EnderIO has been developed to eliminate the things I found frustrating as using FTB mod pack . At this stage , Ender IO provides the main function .
A compact set of power tubes , and the liquid Redstone ( items must go ) . The pipes can be combined in a single block space and is hidden by a facade system allows simple facade to appear as any other opaque blocks in the game , weather vanilla or mod other . The façade will be automatically hidden when a tool or pipe fitted to allow modification of your duct system without removing and replacing the facade . The energy pipeline construction support to Craft ( MJ ) and the fluid conduit support any liquid using the new Forge API services . The block and the Enderface EnderIO can be used in combination to interact with the computer inventory from anywhere in your same size . The expensive items , but tend your hive without constantly running back and forth to make it well worth while ! Tired of having a limited selection of stairs , fences , walls , gates ? The ' artist ' you can now make blocks appear as if they are made from perforated block any of the games (including the block from another mod ) , though it may look silly ! Stairs dirty ? Diamond block wall ? Even something reasonable .... Prime MJ Construction produce solar panels . Finally free electricity from the sun for all the support you MJ machine . Construction multiblock Prime MJ host . Store them much power as you want ! Electric light . No more torches on the floor ! Each electric light provides more than twice the coverage of a single torch .

Conduits all bundled up and hidden away.
Bundles, a closer look.
Access your machines from a distance with the Enderface.
Fences, gates, walls, stairs and connected texture glass frames from any material you have a block for. 

MJ Storage, as much or as little you want, in any shape that works for you.
A big room with torches = monster spawn paradise..
The same area lit with a couple of electric lights. No more monsters!
Ender IO 0.2.3 for MC 1.6.4/Updated 27/9/2013
Change log Ender IO 0.2.3 for MC 1.6.4
- Added fluid support to transceivers
- Liquid conduits now display fluid type.
- SAG Mill recipe updates from Unrepentant-Atheist
- #102 Bucket no longer consumed when lava bucket used in Stirling Gen.
- Added fluid support to transceivers
- Liquid conduits now display fluid type.
- SAG Mill recipe updates from Unrepentant-Atheist
- #102 Bucket no longer consumed when lava bucket used in Stirling Gen.
Download Ender_1.6.4_0.2.3.0.jar/Update
Download EnderIO_1.6.2_0.2.3.44.jar/Update
Download EnderIO_1.5.2_0.2.3.40.jar/Update