FancyGUI Mod Minecraft 1.5.2

FancyGUI Mod Minecraft 1.5.2 Some people like the way minecraft’s GUI looks. Others like me, find it a bit to gritty. Some of us want it more smooth. More simplistic. Cleaner, and maybe even a new feature or so! Hansihe has created the perfect mod for us. The FancyGUI mod completely redo’s the whole GUI. It adds a very neat, very clean sort of style.

All the menus are pushed to the side so you can see as much of the picture as possible. The text is transparent enough for it to look stunning but not quite enough to be invisible. The server selection and single player world selection looks and feels great too. The background is no longer a horrible, gritty dirt wall. It is the same blued fly over as you see in the main screen. FancyGUI is a must get for anyone who has aesthetic problems with the vanilla GUI.
A new GUI isn’t the only thing FancyGUI adds. If you’re using modloader, on every menu on the top right you will notice something saying “Welcome Player! : Click to open friends list”. Yup, that’s right. Hansihe has created a fully functional, working friends list that doesn’t even require your friends to use this mod. Add your friend to the list by simply typing in their name and you’ll be able to track when they’re online, what server they’re playing on, and instantly join their servers. It’s something no mod author has yet been able to do! It works brilliantly and is extremely handy.
FancyGUI has really impressed. So much that I’m keep using for the rest of my time playing minecraft. Try it once and you will never want to go back to the old GUI. The simplistic and stunning feel of the GUI along with the brilliant addition of the friends list. Hansihe has done a stunning job on this mod. Good work!

How to Install FancyGUI Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6

  1. Download FancyGUI.
  2. Drag all the contents of the .Zip to your minecraft.jar
  3. Delete your META-INF folder.
  4. Enjoy!

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