The Twilight Forest Mod Minecraft

The Twilight Forest One hell of a Mod I have to say, it did not just add some great new stuff to this game but it also give alittle bit of story line that will bring you to the world of ancients and fantasy. Have you ever watched “lord of the rings”? right i guess 97% of the worlds populations knew this movie and this Mod is based on that kind of theme, Fantasy, Weird creatures, Dangerous, thrilling, and treasures. There are even “bosses in this texture pack are totally epic,it gives good items and a challenging fight”, there are currently one boss though. So all in all this Mod brings you to the mystics of the “twilight forest” which is full of adventure and treasure as well (rule of thumb “the better the treasure, the more dangerious it takes to get there”). The portal to “twilight forest” is really epic too, too epic i just don’t wanna spoil this one.. if you wanna know download it and try, i can’t explain it in words >.o !

Twilight Forest Mod Features for Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6

  • The world get flatter and more grassier, I think the only reason they did this is because, the trees here are very big so they need space
  • New biomes, there are technically 7 biomes here but there hidden in the mist = =”
  • Lots of trees, old trees new trees they put everything in it..!
  • Ancient ruine and premade environment, very beautiful !!!! especially the runes
  • The hollow hills, a new way to demonstrate “silent hill”
  • Lots of new challenges!
  • Mysterious mazes, for people who love puzzles, but then you’ll probably vomit from this one XD
  • Bosses, freakin big

Twilight Forest Mod version 1.18.1 for Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6 Changelogs

  • Compatibility with Minecraft 1.5.2
  • Tweaked the Naga
  • Other smaller changes

How to Install Twilight Forest Mod for Minecraft 1.5.2 and 1.6

  1. Download the Twilight Forest Mod
  2. Download the Minecraft Forge API
  3. Run Minecraft
  4. Select “mods and texture pack” under “multiplayer”
  5. A folder pops up
  6. Go inside the “mod” folder
  7. Drag and drop the mod (without unzipping)
  8. END
Benimatic, one of the best texture pack i’ve seen in a long long time, very thrilling and interesting to download. It was themed very well, and it makes me wanna go minecrafting with your texture pack right now and i’m sure others might feel the same.
Download The Twilight Download The Twilight Download The Twilight 

Syeda ZeenatPosted By Minecraft Global

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